The Golden Hour

A couple of weeks ago on a early Sunday morning I decided to go out to a local dam to do some late fall birding/photography.  I didn't expect to see much but perhaps some late migrating warblers or hawks. This area is one of the best places for fall hawk watching and I expected to see the regular bird group up there counting but they were not there.  Too bad, because they are a very nice welcoming group that I have enjoyed talking with on several occasions.
When starting to head into the woods, I heard bells ringing and then a whistle.  It took me a few minutes to realize what I was hearing was hunting dogs and the whistle of the hunter.  Well, I guess my plans will have to change especially since there was no neon orange anywhere on my body! I thought it was strange that they allowed hunting there but indeed it was allowed according to the State Trooper I spoke with a bit later. 
While starting to walk back to my car, along side one of the stone walls, I notice the dew hanging onto all the spider webs in the grasses and low foliage. The more I looked, the more I saw that they were everywhere and the sun was showing them off so beautifully! I did see and said good morning to the hunters than continued focusing on the magical world in front of me.  Please enjoy.


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