It was a very special day yesterday. Not only because it was Valentines Day but because I was lucky enough to watch a Short-eared Owl hunting! My son and I were just coming back from doing an errand and we passed by a large field which I always check out to see if there is any sort of activity going on. Off in the distance, I noticed a bird flapping and soaring, It didn't look or act like any of the common hawks that would be around this time of year and I also noticed it had a lot of white underneath it wings? With nowhere to pull over, due to all the snow and cars behind me, I had to just keep driving. Knowing the area pretty well, I drove down a road nearby that would lead me to the back side of the field. I pulled over on the side of that road with a good view of the field and thankfully had my old pair of binoculars with me. Just when we were about to leave, it flew up from behind a small hill!! As any birder would understand, just how excited I was when I realized it was a Short-eared Owl, a life bird for me!

My son and I watch it for about 20 minutes while it continued to hunt. It had started to snow a bit which made it even more beautiful to watch. Since home was not too far away, I decided to drive back, dropping my son off who "is not as patient as me" and had enough looking at an owl!, and grab my camera. I knew it was a good chance it may not be there when I returned but I really wanted to try and get a shot of it.
Lucky me, when I did get back, it was still there but snowing much more than before, but I was still able to get a few shots. About 10 minutes later a small group of crows came along harassing it and it flew off. What a wonder site it was and more wonderful to me that my son was also able to see it!
HOW wonderful to see this beautiful bird and your flight shots are great.